Wednesday, December 06, 2006

As the winter selling season kicks off; our Star projects are under full sales. I'd like to commend our sales personnel for the excellent job I know they will do in the coming months. All these are fractional or private residence club products.

At the The Pinnacle, Purgatory Lodge, Durango CO, Michael Davis leads the team with both PRC and fractional products.

Expedition Lodge at Kirkwood Mountain Resort CA, Dede Bacon, Melisa Maxey and Gwen Niccoli are the sales pros.

For the Mt. Superior Residence Club, Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort UT, Bill Orwig and Peggy Wright will set new per square foot sales levels for the Rockies.

Meriwether Ranch, for the Meriwether Land & Cattle Company MT, Ron Frank, Jami Duffy and Josh Potvin are fortunate to have the Big Hole River in their back pocket.

Additionally, we welcome Bill Orwig as our sales director at Snowbird. Bill's one of the true pros in the business going back to the very start of the PRC business.

Like many companies Star uses the survey tool to generate prospects. At Snowbird and Freestone in WA [more about this property in later blogs] we have received record responses [for us at least] from those interested in buying fractions.

Jim Parker, another real sales pro, uses the acronym "PMS" with customers.
New to me, but probably old hat to others, it stands for, no, not that! but:
photos, memories and souvenirs from a vacation.

Another nice twist: "The Ritz Carlton of Private Residence Clubs" seen in their recent print ads.

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